Nodejs Api request for cucumber test cases

To test the Nodejs API so please create the API in Nodejs.

Suppose you created a customer register API.

Now, pass the requested data


Where first_name, last_name, email, password and cpass are request parameters.

Now, get the response

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Customer Registered successfully."

To write the Cucumber test cases for Nodejs API in through the below steps

1) Firstly create a features folder in the root folder of your Nodejs project.

2) Now create the file name create_customer_via_jsonfile.feature extension and write the below code in this

# Create Customer API Testing Exercise via json file
Feature: Create new customer signup through json file
 Call API to create new customer through json file

  Scenario: Create new customer through json file
  Given create new customer through json file and data are

  When I send URL through POST method for JSON file

  Then response data is 
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Customer Registered successfully."


in the create_customer_via_jsonfile.feature file, you have to create Feature: feature_name after that create the Scenario: scenario_name
after that, you have to create 3 steps
Given:- It is used for request data
When:- it is used for the condition
Then:- It is used for response data

3) Now create the create_customer_via_jsonfile_step folder and create create_customer_via_jsonfile_step.jsfile into this and put the below code.

// features/support/steps.js
const { Given, When, Then } = require("cucumber");
const assert = require("assert")
const got = require('got');

var output;
var jsonfile_body_request;

Given(/^create new customer through json file and data are$/, async function(request_data){

When('I send url through POST method for json file {}', async function(url) {

  const {body} = await, {
		json: JSON.parse(jsonfile_body_request),
		responseType: 'json'

  "status": (body.status),
  "message": body.message


Then(/^response data is$/, async function (expected_output) {
  var main_expected_output= JSON.parse(expected_output);
  assert.equal(JSON.stringify(output), JSON.stringify(main_expected_output));

4) Now, run the test cases


Now, check the results and found the 1 scenarios, and 3 steps are passed.