To write the dynamic request for cucumber test cases in Nodejs through the below steps
1) Firstly create a features folder in the root folder of your Nodejs project.
2) Now create the file name dynamic_req_calculation.feature extension and write the below code in this
# features/dynamic_req_calculation.feature
Feature: Dynamic request to add the variable
I want to check the variable result
Scenario Outline: dynamic request addition calculation
Given a variable set to
When I increment the variable by
Then the variable should contain
| variable | increment_variable | result |
| 10 | 5 | 15 |
| 25 | 30 | 55 |
| 100 | 10 | 110 |
in the dynamic_req_calculation.feature file, you have to create Feature: feature_name after that create the Scenario: scenario_name
after that, you have to create 3 steps
Given:- It is used for request data
When:- it is used for the condition
Then:- It is used for response data
Now define the dynamic request value in the Examples: like variable, increment_variable and the result will show the addition of these variables (variable+increment_variable).
3) Now create the calculation_support folder and create two files into this.
1) firstly create a world.js file which has below code
// features/support/world.js
const { setWorldConstructor } = require("cucumber");
class CustomWorld {
constructor() {
this.variable = 0;
setTo(number) {
this.variable = number;
incrementBy(number) {
this.variable += number;
multiplyBy(number) {
this.variable *= number;
2) Now create the step.js file and write the below code in this.
// features/support/steps.js
const { Given, When, Then } = require("cucumber");
const assert = require("assert").strict
Given("a variable set to {int}", function(number) {
When("I increment the variable by {int}", function(number) {
Then("the variable should contain {int}", function(number) {
assert.equal(this.variable, number);
3) Now, run the test cases
Now, check the results and found the 3 scenarios and 9 steps are passed.