Php Comments

Developers use comments to describe the details of the code. In PHP there is three-way to describe the comments.

Shell Method

this method is used to single-line comment and it is used through # to comment the details.

# describe about code details

Example:- Suppose, You created user_greetings function in the user file.


# user file

function user_greetings($name){

	return 'Hello '.$name;
echo user_greetings('John');
Output:- Hello John

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Single-line Comment

It is basically used for single-line comment and it works the same as the shell method. this method is copied from the c language.


 // describe about code details

Example:- Suppose, You created user_full_name function in the user file.

// get user full name function

function user_full_name($first_name,$last_name){

	return $first_name.' '.$last_name;

echo user_full_name('John','Taylor');
Output:- John Taylor

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Multi-line Comment

this method is used to comments for multiple lines. this method is copied from the c++ language.


code details

Example:- Suppose, You created sum of nunbers in the user file and you defined multi-line comments for number1 and number2 .



echo $sum_of_numbers;
Output:- 70

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