Object and Class

What is Object

An entity that has state and behavior is known as an object eg:- as car,cycle,table,chair etc.
Object is an instance of a class.
Note:- Object can be Physical or logical.
An object has three characteristics:
(i) state (ii) behavior (iii) identity
(i) state:- it is represent the data(value) of the object.
(ii) behavior:- it is represent the behavior(functionality) of the object.
(iii) identity:- it is represent object unique id.user can not see this id.

What is Class?

A class is the blueprint of the object. The class contains the methods and properties, or the characteristics of the object.

A class in php contain
(i) data member(variable)
(ii) method(function)
(iii) constructor
(iv) class and Interface

class classname{

Example of class:-
In this example we define a class employee, which has variable $empname and method name is display_empname()
and we create a object with new keyword.


class Employee {
	public $empname;
	function display_empname($empname) {
		return $empname;

$emp_obj = new Employee;
echo $emp_obj -> display_empname('John');
Output:- John

classification of class

Ques:- How to create a variable in the class?
Ans:- we can create a variable through public or var or protected or private.
class student{
var $stu_rollno;
public $stu_name;
protected $stu_marks;
private $stu_class;
Note:- var variable work as a public.

Ques:- what is the roll of Method in a class?
Ans:- It is used to expose behavior of an object.

Ques:- How to create a method in the class?
Ans:- we can create a method through public or protected or private.

class student{
var $stu_rollno;
public $stu_name;
protected $stu_marks;
private $stu_class;
pubic function displayname($stu_name)
return $stu_name;

Ques:- What is new keyword?
Ans:- The new keyword is used to allocate memory at runtime.

Ques:- How to create object or instance variable?
Ans:- with the help of new keyword, we create object(instance variable).

class student{
var $stu_rollno;
public $stu_name;
protected $stu_marks;
private $stu_class;
pubic function displayname($stu_name)
return $stu_name;

$stu= new student;
echo $stu->displayname('Tony'); //Output is Tony

Note:-$stu is a object in this program.

Ques:- How to call method of a class?
Ans:- there are many types for calling method
(i) If method is not static then
(a) call outside of the class then we use -> operator through object of the class.
eg:- $classobj->methodname;
in this eg $classobj is a object of the class.
(b) if method call inside the class then we use $this->
eg:- $this->methodname;

(ii) If method is static then
(a) call outside of the class then we use :: operator through the class.
eg:- classname::methodname;

(b) if method call inside the class then we use self::
eg:- self::methodname;

Ques:- How many create a object of a class?
Ans:- We can create multiple objects of a class.
$stu1= new student;
$stu2= new student;

Memory allocation of object

The new keyword is used to allocate memory at runtime.

class Employee {
	public $empname;
	public $age;
	function empinfo($empname,$age) {
		echo $empname.' age is '.$age;

$emp1 = new Employee;
$emp1 -> empinfo('John',22);
$emp2 = new Employee;
$emp2 -> empinfo('Tony',19);
Output:- John age is 22
Tony age is 19

In this figure, object gets the memory in Heap area and reference variable refers to the object allocated in the Heap memory area. Here, $emp1 and $emp2 both are reference variables that refer to the objects allocated in memory.