What is Object
Object is an instance of a class.
Note:- Object can be Physical or logical.
An object has three characteristics:
(i) state (ii) behavior (iii) identity
(i) state:- it is represent the data(value) of the object.
(ii) behavior:- it is represent the behavior(functionality) of the object.
(iii) identity:- it is represent object unique id.user can not see this id.

What is Class?
A class in php contain
(i) data member(variable)
(ii) method(function)
(iii) constructor
(iv) class and Interface
class classname{
Example of class:-
In this example we define a class employee, which has variable $empname and method name is display_empname()
and we create a object with new keyword.
class Employee {
public $empname;
function display_empname($empname) {
return $empname;
$emp_obj = new Employee;
echo $emp_obj -> display_empname('John');
classification of class
Ans:- we can create a variable through public or var or protected or private.
class student{
var $stu_rollno;
public $stu_name;
protected $stu_marks;
private $stu_class;
Note:- var variable work as a public.
Ques:- what is the roll of Method in a class?
Ans:- It is used to expose behavior of an object.
Ques:- How to create a method in the class?
Ans:- we can create a method through public or protected or private.
class student{
var $stu_rollno;
public $stu_name;
protected $stu_marks;
private $stu_class;
pubic function displayname($stu_name)
return $stu_name;
Ques:- What is new keyword?
Ans:- The new keyword is used to allocate memory at runtime.
Ques:- How to create object or instance variable?
Ans:- with the help of new keyword, we create object(instance variable).
class student{
var $stu_rollno;
public $stu_name;
protected $stu_marks;
private $stu_class;
pubic function displayname($stu_name)
return $stu_name;
$stu= new student;
echo $stu->displayname('Tony'); //Output is Tony
Note:-$stu is a object in this program.
Ques:- How to call method of a class?
Ans:- there are many types for calling method
(i) If method is not static then
(a) call outside of the class then we use -> operator through object of the class.
eg:- $classobj->methodname;
in this eg $classobj is a object of the class.
(b) if method call inside the class then we use $this->
eg:- $this->methodname;
(ii) If method is static then
(a) call outside of the class then we use :: operator through the class.
eg:- classname::methodname;
(b) if method call inside the class then we use self::
eg:- self::methodname;
Ques:- How many create a object of a class?
Ans:- We can create multiple objects of a class.
$stu1= new student;
$stu2= new student;
Memory allocation of object
class Employee {
public $empname;
public $age;
function empinfo($empname,$age) {
echo $empname.' age is '.$age;
$emp1 = new Employee;
$emp1 -> empinfo('John',22);
$emp2 = new Employee;
$emp2 -> empinfo('Tony',19);
Tony age is 19
In this figure, object gets the memory in Heap area and reference variable refers to the object allocated in the Heap memory area. Here, $emp1 and $emp2 both are reference variables that refer to the objects allocated in memory.