Php Self keyword

What is Php Self keyword?

self keyword is used to access the current class itself.

Difference between self and this keyword.
(i) $this keyword to refer to the current object. self keyword to refer to the current class.
(ii) $this->member for non-static members, self::$member for static members.

self keyword refer to the current class

Example:- In this eg. we define two classes student and Year both has same method name whichClass(), Student class inherited in the Year class then we create a object and call the method sayClassName() which is defined in the Student class and it has self keyword. when this method call then it call current class method(whichClass()).

class Student {
             public function whichClass() {
		echo "I am in MCA!";
        /* This method has been changed to use the
	 self keyword instead of $this
        public function sayClassName() {

class Year extends Student {
        public function whichClass() {
		echo "I am in MCA first year!";
$yearObj = new Year();
$yearObj -> sayClassName();
Output:- I am in MCA!

this keyword refer to the current object

Example:- In this eg. we define two classes student and Year both has same method name whichClass(), Student class inherited in the Year class then we create a object and call the method sayClassName() which is defined in the Student class and it has this keyword. when this method call then it call current Object, method(whichClass()).

class Student {
         public function whichClass() {
		echo "I am in MCA!";
         /* This method has been changed to use the
	 $this keyword instead of self
         public function sayClassName() {

class Year extends Student {
        public function whichClass() {
		echo "I am in MCA first year!";
$yearObj = new Year();
$yearObj -> sayClassName();
Output:- I am in MCA first year!

self keyword for static variable

this keyword is not work for static variable and method then we use self keyword.

class stuClass {
public static $stu_name="ramesh";
public static $stu_rollno="Btech";

public static function display() {
echo self::$stu_name.' in '.self::$stu_rollno;
$sc=new stuClass;
Output:- ramesh in Btech