PHP Operator

The PHP language supports basically two types of operators.
1) Unary operator
2) Binary operator

1) Unary Operator:- The Unary Operator works only on single operands.

Increment and Decrement Operator

a) Increment Operator:- There are two types of Operator.

(i) Post-Increment:- It represents ++ sign after variable like $varable++. This is called Post-increment operator. It returns the current value of the variable and increases it by 1.

echo $x++;
Output:- 100

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(ii) Pre-Increment:- It represents ++ sign before the variable like ++$varable This is called Pre-increment operator. It increases the value of the variable by 1 and returns the resulting value..

echo ++$x;
Output:- 101

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b) Decrement Operator:- There are two types of operator.

Post-Decrement:- It represents — sign after variable like $varable–. This is called Post-Decrement operator. It returns the current value of the variable and decrease it by 1.

echo $x--;
Output:- 100

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Pre-Decrement:- It represents — sign before the variable like –$varable This is called Pre-Decrement operator. It decrease the value of the variable by 1 and returns the resulting value.

echo --$x;
Output:- 99

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Cast Operator

PHP Language has six cast operators that you can use to force type conversions. You should place the operator on the left-side of the operand.

(array) – This operator converts values into an array.

$y= (array)$x;
Output:- Array ( [0] => 100 )

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(int) or (integer) – This operator convert values into integers.

$y= (int)$x;
echo $y;
Output:- 100

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(string) – This operator converts values into a string.

$y= (string)$x;
echo $y;
Output:- “100”

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(object) – This operator convert values into the object.

$y= (object)$x;
Output:- stdClass Object ( [scalar] => 100 )

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(real), (float) or (double) – This operator allows you to convert values from any data type into floating-point values.

$y= (double)$x;
echo gettype($y);
Output:- double

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(bool) or (boolean) – Use this operator to convert any value into its Boolean form.

$y= (bool)$x;
echo gettype($y);
Output:- boolean

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The Negation Operators

PHP language support 2 types of Negation Operators.

a) Logical Negation Operator:- It represents through ! operator. It will give you true if the operand’s value is false. If the value is true, on the other hand, this operator will give you false.


echo 'x variable does not exist';


echo 'x variable exists';

Output:- x variable exists

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b) Bitwise Negation operator:- It represents through “~” operator. It replaces 0 with 1, and vice versa.

2) Binary Operator:- A binary operator requires two Operands.

The Numeric Operators

There are 5 numeric operator.

(i) Addition Operator:- It represents “+” sign between two operands and return the sum value.

echo $z;
Output:- 140

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(ii) Subtract Operator:- It represents “-“ sign between two operands and returns the subtraction value from left operands to right operands.

echo $z;
Output:- 60

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(iii) Multiplication Operator:- It represents “*” sign between two operands and returns the multiply value.

echo $z;
Output:- 4000

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(iv) Division Operator:- It represents the “/” sign between two operands and It divides the value of the left-hand operand by that of the right-hand operand and returns the quotient.

echo $z;
Output:- 2.5

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(v) Modulus Operator:- It represents the “%” sign between two operands and divides the value of the left-hand operand by that of the right-hand operand and returns the remainder.

echo $z;
Output:- 20

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Assignment Operator

An assignment operator allows you to assign values to your variables. Assignment operators are used with numeric values.

= operator:- It is used to assign the value.


+= operator:- it is basically used to addition between two operands.

x+=y like x=x+y;

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-= operator:- it is basically used to subtraction between two operands.

x-=y like x=x-y;

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*= operator:- it is basically used to multiplication between two operands.

x*=y like x=x*y;

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/= operator:- it is basically used to division between two operands.

x/=y like x=x/y;

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%= operator:- it is basically used to modulas between two operands.

x%=y like x=x%y;

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Comparison Operator

You can use these operators to compare the values of two operands.

“==” Operator – This operator checks whether the operands have equal values. It will give you true if the values are equal.


$x == $y

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“!=” Operator – if the value of the operand are not equal. For instance,

100 != 40

evaluates to true.
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“>” Operator – this refers to greater than the operator. you can check whether the value of the left-hand operand is greater than that of the right-hand operand.
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“<" Operator - this refers to less-than operator. you can check whether the value of the left-hand operand is less than that of the right-hand operand.
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“<=" Operator - this refers to less than or equal operator. It will give you true if the value of the left-hand operand is less than or equal to the second operand.

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“>=” Operator – this refers to greater than or equal operator. It will give you true if the value of the left-hand operand is greater than or equal to the second operand.

example, $x >= $y
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Logical Operator

PHP represents some Logical operator.

(i) Logical AND:- this represents through “&&”. It will give you true if the both operands are true.

$x && $y

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(ii) Logical OR:- this represents through “||”. It will give you true if the one operands is true.

$x || $y 

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(iii) Logical XOR:- this represents through “xor”. It will give you true if only one of the operands is true. Thus, you will get false if both of the operands are true or false.
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Concatenation Operator

this operator is used to concate the two or more strings. It works only for strings value.
It converts non-string operands to string operands.

$emp_age = 23;
print "Employee age is " . $emp_age;
Employee age is 23

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PHP Conditional Assignment Operator

Ternary Operator(?:)- this operator is used to check conditions.


conditional_statement ? first_expression : second_expression

The “?” operator evaluates the result of “conditional_statement” If the result is true, the
operator will return the value of “first_expression”. If the result is false, the operator will
give you the value of “second_expression”.


echo ($x==10) ? 'even number': 'odd number';
Output:- even number

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coalescing operator (??)- PHP7 introduce coalescing operator. The Null coalescing operator returns its first operand if it exists and is not NULL otherwise, it returns its second operand.

$employee_name = $employee ?? 'employee not exists';
/** This is equivalent to: **/
$employee_name = isset($employee) ? $employee : 'employee not exists';
Output:- John

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