Factorial Program in php

What is factorial?

Factorial is a part of mathematics. It is a positive number and it is multiplication of the all positive numbers and move to 1.

5!= 5*4*3*2*1
  = 120

Factorial program without any predefined method?

We can get factorial of any number

function factorial($n)
	for($i=$n; $i>=1;$i--)
	return $fact;
echo factorial(4) //Output:- 24
echo factorial(5) //Output:- 120

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Factorial program through recursion

Factorial Program through recursion of any number

function Recu_factorial($number)
		return 1;
	return $number * Recu_factorial($number - 1);

echo Recu_factorial(4); //Output:- 24
echo Recu_factorial(5); //Output:- 120

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