To write the simple request for cucumber test cases in Nodejs through the below steps
1) Firstly create a features folder in the root folder of the Nodejs project.
2) Now create the file name simple_calculation.feature extension and write the below code in this
# features/simple_calculation.feature
Feature: Simple math calculation
I want to check the increment variable result
Scenario: easy math calculations
Given a variable set to 4
When I increment the variable by 5
Then the variable should contain 9
in the simple_calculation.feature file create Feature: feature_name after that create the Scenario: scenario_name
after that, you have to create 3 steps
Given:- It is used for request data
When:- it is used for the condition
Then:- It is used for response data
3) Now, run the test cases
Now, check the results 1 scenario and 3 steps are passed.