Nodejs MongoDB join

lookup() method is used between 2 or more collections for join in MongoDB. lookup() method used in the aggregate() method.

Suppose you have 2 collections departments and employees

departments collections

  { _id: 1, name: "Engineer", status: 1 },
  { _id: 2, name: "Manager", status: 1 },
  { _id: 3, name: "Peon", status: 1 }

employees collections

  { _id: 1, name: "John", department_id: 1 }

Now, get the employee’s details with the department name.

create the collections_join.js file

var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;

let url="mongodb://localhost:27017/";
var options = {
  useNewUrlParser: true,
  useUnifiedTopology: true,  
MongoClient.connect(url,options, function (err, connection_obj) {
     if (err) throw err;
     var dbo = connection_obj.db("users_management");
      { $lookup:
           from: 'departments',
           localField: 'department_id',
           foreignField: '_id',
           as: 'departments_details'
      ]).toArray(function(err, res) {
      if (err) throw err;
       console.log("documents show successfully");

    console.log("connection fails");

Now, run the collections_join.js file.

node collections_join.js
documents show successfully
result: [{“_id”:1,”name”:”John”,”department_id”:1,”departments_details”:[{“_id”:1,”name”:”Engineer”,”status”:1}]}]