In JavaScript, a string is a sequence of characters used to represent text. Strings are one of the fundamental data types in JavaScript and are commonly used to store and manipulate textual data.
String can be enclosed in Single Quotes like ‘john’ or Double Quotes like “john” or backtics (which came into ES6) like `john`.
var first_name ='John';
var last_name="Taylor";
var email=``;
Note:- backtics is basically used to combined variable value and strings.
Example:- Now you add first_name and last_name along with Hello string.
var full_name=`Hello ${first_name} ${last_name}`;
console.log(full_name); // Output:- John Taylor
Create a String:-
1) String():- You can create string through String function.
var age=35;
var age_string=String(age);
console.log(age_string); // Output:- "35"
var bool =true;
var bool_string=String(bool) // Output:- "true"
2) toString():- toString() is used to convert data into string.
var age =35;
var age_string=age.toString(); // Output "35";
var bool =true;
var bool_string=bool.toString() // Output:- "true"
3) creating a String Object through new keyword and it behaves like Object
var string_object = new String("John");
console.log(typeof string_object); //output:- "object"
Concat two or more strings:- 1) You can concat the two string through + sign
var first_name="John";
var last_name="Taylor";
document.write(first_name + last_name); //Output:- JohnTaylor
document.write(first_name +' '+last_name); //Output:- John Taylor
2) You can concat strings through concat() keyword.
var first_name="John";
var last_name="Taylor";
document.write(first_name.concat(last_name)); //Output:- JohnTaylor
3) Concat string through backtics
var first_name="John";
var last_name="Taylor";
document.write(`${first_name} ${last_name}`); //Output:- John Taylor
trim() method:- this method is used to trim the white space from the string.
var name=" John ";
console.log(name.trim()); //Output:- John
split() method:- It is used to split a string into Array
var str="John went to college";
var str_arr=str.split(" ");
document.write(str_arr[0]); // Output:- John
document.write(str_arr[1]); // Output:- went
document.write(str_arr[2]); // Output:- to
document.write(str_arr[3]); // Output:- college
join() method:- It is used convert Array into String
arr=["John", "went", "to", "college"];
arr_to_string= arr.join("-");
document.write(arr_to_string); // Output:- John-went-to-college
Reverse a string:-
var str="John Taylor"
let rev_string= str.split('').reverse().join('');
document.write(rev_string); // Output:- rolyaT nhoJ