JavaScript has basically two type of datatypes
1) Primitive Datatype
2) Composite Datatype
1) Primitive Datatype:- These type of datatype is immutable and it do not have properties. When you make a copy, it will be a real copy.
Example:- when you reassign a new value to b, the value of b changes, but not of a.
const a = "John";
let b = a // this is the copy
b = "Rom";
document.write(b) // Rom
document.write(a) // John
1) String:- It is basically used to store string value and string value represents through single quote or double quotes.
var name="John";
console.log(typeof name); //string
2) Number:- It is used to store number value.
var age=35;
console.log(typeof age); //number
3) undefined:- A variable that has not value is undefined.
var name;
console.log(typeof name); // undefined
4) Null:- It has null value.
var nothing = null;
5) Boolean:- this datatype variable has value true or false.
var is_loggedin=true;
console.log(is_loggedin); //true
var not_loggedin=false;
console.log(not_loggedin); //false
6) Symbol:- It came into ECMAScript6 (ES6). It represents a unique identifier.
2) Composite Datatype:- Object, Array and methods are compositive datatypes. Technically, arrays are also objects, so they behave in the same way. These values are actually stored just once when instantiated, and assigning a variable just creates a pointer (reference) to that value.
Object Example:-
var users={
console.log(typeof users) //Object
Array Example:-
var users=[{
console.log(typeof users) //Object
Example:- Now, if we make a copy b = a , and change some nested value in b, it actually changes a’s nested value as well, since a and b actually point to the same thing.
const a = {name:'John'}
const b=a;'Rom';
document.write(; //Output:- Rom
document.write(; //Output:- Rom