CSS text transform

In CSS, the text-transform property is used to control the capitalization of text within an element. This property allows you to transform text to uppercase, lowercase, capitalize.


selector {
  text-transform: value;

text-transform values

none: Default. No transformation is applied.

capitalize: Transforms the first character of each word to uppercase.

uppercase: Transforms all characters to uppercase.

lowercase: Transforms all characters to lowercase.

full-width: Changes the text to full-width form (typically used in East Asian typography).

inherit: Inherits the text-transform value from its parent element.

initial: Sets the property to its default value.


1. Capitalize:

p.capitalize {
  text-transform: capitalize;

2. Uppercase:

p.uppercase {
  text-transform: uppercase;

3. Lowercase:

p.lowercase {
  text-transform: lowercase;

4. Full-width:

p.full-width {
  text-transform: full-width;

5. None (No Transformation):

p.none {
  text-transform: none;

Example: Here is an example of a simple HTML page demonstrating various uses of the text-transform property:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        .capitalize {
            text-transform: capitalize;
        .uppercase {
            text-transform: uppercase;
        .lowercase {
            text-transform: lowercase;
        .full-width {
            text-transform: full-width;
        .none {
            text-transform: none;
    <p class="capitalize">this text will have each word capitalized.</p>
    <p class="uppercase">this text will be transformed to uppercase.</p>
    <p class="lowercase">THIS TEXT WILL BE TRANSFORMED TO LOWERCASE.</p>
    <p class="full-width">this text will be transformed to full-width form.</p>
    <p class="none">This Text Will Not Be Transformed.</p>