CSS text spacing

In CSS, text spacing can be adjusted using a few different properties depending on the specific type of spacing you’re aiming to control.

1. Line Height: Controls the vertical spacing between lines of text.

p {
    line-height: 1.5; /* or a unit value like 24px */

2. Letter Spacing: Adjusts the space between individual characters.

p {
    letter-spacing: 3px; /* or other unit values */

3. Word Spacing: Modifies the space between words.

p {
    word-spacing: 4px; /* or other unit values */

4. Text Indent: Indents the first line of text in a block.

p {
    text-indent: 20px; /* or other unit values */

5. Text Align: Aligns text horizontally within its containing element.

p {
    text-align: justify; /* or left, right, center */

6. Margin and Padding: Adds space around or inside elements, respectively, which can affect the overall spacing of text within its container.

p {
    margin: 20px; /* space outside the element */
    padding: 20px; /* space inside the element */